I guess this got really wrinkled. I sewed the rest of the blocks together on Monday and then made the back. I used some of the extra blocks but still have three. I guess they will be added to the rest of the orphan blocks. As I was sewing the last little bit of the back a Realtor called. Can I show your house in 20 min she says. I say yes and spend the next 20 dashing around cleaning. The quilt got scrunched in a dresser drawer and I just took it out today to show to blog land wrinkles and all.
great way to display reality.. nothing is perfect and we always end up with an interruption or 2. hope the wrinkles in your quilt (life) press out easy.. have a great day
great top and a wonderful backing to match
You should be proud. Wonderful quilt. Are you quilting or sending it out. Looking forward to seeing the finished project. (left the same comment below)
Very nice. You can use the spare blocks on the back too! And the wrinkles hardly show.
Looks great . . . .wrinkles and all *s*
I like the pieced sashing you used around the blocks.
I'm a huge blue fan and love this quilt! And you should have left it out for your house-viewers to see -- maybe she was a quilter! LOL! It sure would have encouraged me to buy the house -- good quilting juju going on!
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