I can't wait for the new year and 2009 stash busting. So I'm starting in the Dec. to practice and work out a system before the new year begins. I received this handy desk calender from one of my business suppliers. They send out the same one every year and I never use it for anything. I thought It would work great for stash totals. It shows a month at a time. This week I made notes of fabric I used then added it for a weekly total. It's nice looking back to see I did get some sewing done. I usually can scrounge up about an hour a day to sew. I think of it like yoga or meditation it's relaxing for me.

I worked on these string blocks this week. The strings were starting to over grow their bin. It's layed out in a basket weave pattern.
Great strings!
That's a great way to track stash used - I usually have to read back over my weekly posts to see my progress for the week. Love the Basketweave strings!
using a claender! yes! that is a great idea!!! :) thanks. :)
Happy Christmas to you and your family in case I don't make it back around again before then.
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
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