Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Dear Jane

I did these 5 over the week end.

B-9 Tinker Toy This one has 16 pieces they really don't show much.

C-1 Trooper Green's Badge An easy paper pieced block.

C-2 Streak of Lightning. I never would of figured out how to do this one with out Anina's help on Dear Baby Jane. It was a toughie!!

D-6 Challenge An easy one.

D-10 Battlefield This one turned out nice. I wish my sewing was always this exact. I need to give it a good press yet.


Teresa said...

Your blocks look great.C2 was a toughie for me too!

Shelina said...

You're doing a great job with all these DJ blocks. I haven't done C2 yet!

Anina said...

Congratulations on all your progress! Your blocks are lovely.